The Pump System Optimization Program by the Hydraulic Institute

09.12.2015 -

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), a Massachusetts public authority established to provide wholesale water and sewer services to 2.5 million people and more than 5,500 large industrial users in 61 metropolitan Boston communities, conducted an in-house Pump System Optimization (PSO) Program in November as a precursor to a pump system assessment of all its facilities.

Hydraulic Institute Publishes New Guidebook

05.08.2015 -

The Hydraulic Institute (HI) recently published the Reliability of Pumping Equipment guide. This publication provides reliability insights such as expected reliability levels, monitoring approaches, and methods of improvement. Information is also included on how to identify satisfactory operation for different pump types, classes of service, and importance.

Hydraulic Institute Publishes New Guidebook Wastewater Treatment Plant Pumps

26.06.2015 -

The Hydraulic Institute (HI) recently published the one-of-a-kind guide on wastewater treatment plant pumps. Wastewater Treatment Plant Pumps is intended to assist in the understanding of the general layout, components, and operation of a typical wastewater treatment plant. The book also provides readers with the guidance necessary to select pump types, pump materials, and auxiliary components so the pumping system performs effectively, efficiently, and reliably in the various plant operations.

Hydraulic Institute Released Four Updated ANSI/HI Pump Standards

12.01.2015 -

The Hydraulic Institute (HI) has announced the release of four updated publications: Rotodynamic Centrifugal Pumps for Nomenclature and Definitions, Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps of Radial, Mixed, and Axial Flow Types for Nomenclature and Definitions, Rotodynamic Centrifugal Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Operation, and Maintenance and Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Operation, and maintenance.